Sandra Balisky Sandra Balisky

Place Value: The most important skill of all

This is post 5 (on place value) in a “Must-know Math skills” series, where key math skills and big vocab words are broken down into easy-to-understand, short explanations with activity ideas you can use today.

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Sandra Balisky Sandra Balisky

Those tricky teenager numbers …

This is post 4 (on composing numbers) in a “Must-know Math skills” series, where key math skills and big vocab words are broken down into easy-to-understand, short explanations with activity ideas you can use today.

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Sandra Balisky Sandra Balisky

What does “compose” mean, and how does it work?

This is post 2 (on composing numbers) in a “Must-know Math skills” series, where key math skills and big vocab words are broken down into easy-to-understand, short explanations with activity ideas you can use today.

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